Facts about Minnesota

Minnesota's name comes from Minisota, the Dakota (Sioux) word for sky tinted waters. Minnesota has 11,842 lakes that are over ten acres in size, covering 4,967,510 acres. Rivers and streams number 6,564
going a distance of 92,000 miles.

Minnesota became the nation's 32nd state in 1858. The state seal shown above depicts a farmer plowing a field near St. Anthony Falls on the Mississippi River. His axe, gun and powderhorn are nearby on a stump. He is watching an Indian riding a horse. Minnesota's motto, "L'Etoile du Nord," French for "Star of the North," appears on the seal.

For more information for Minnesota on other websites see: Research page under "History"

Common Loon
Minnesota State Bird

Norway (Red) Pine
Minnesota State Tree

Lady Slipper
Minnesota State Flower

Former State Coordinators for MNGenWeb:

MNGenWeb Logo designed and created by Keith Gulsvig

Lady Slippers courtesy of
Juelie's State Flower Garden of Gifts